Discover the essential digital product strategy for busy moms. Learn top digital product ideas, self-care tips for mom entrepreneurs, and how to achieve passive income with ease.
Learn the #1 error with Master Resell Rights digital products and how to avoid it. Discover tips on developing and selling PLR digital products successfully.
Explore digital product ideas for moms in 5 different niches! Find the perfect inspiration to start your online business and generate income from home.
SEO? CRM? Sales Funnel? Lead Gen? This guide breaks down 30 of the most common tech terms into simple, easy-to-understand language—your go-to cheat sheet for making tech easier!
... but what really gets me excited is helping other women overcome their "i'm not tech-savvy" mindsets + show them how they can build the businesses of their dreams with simple, automated tech to support their goals.
I'm a loud and proud tech nerd, podcaster, busy AF mom of 3, chronically over-caffeinated, Target-loving, Swiftie.
Hey friend! I''m Sarah
I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to learn! -Sarah